“To ensure restricted access to firearms by civilians to ensure public order.” – Draft amendment to the FCA, 2018
I originally considered the title for this piece as Bheki Cele Wants You Murdered. Or Bheki Cele Wants Women Raped. Both would have been equally accurate and appropriate. Yet neither would adequately cut to the heart of the problem. You see, the full-frontal onslaught of the civilian disarmament agenda is bigger than just one man. What onslaught, I hear you ask. Well, this morning I awoke to read the proposed draft amendments of the FCA. And they are very, very bad. Let’s go through some of them, shall we?
Guns for Self-Defence Banned
No more Section 13. The draft proposals entirely repeal it (along with Section 14). The proposal states “an applicant does not have a valid reason for possessing a firearm if the applicant intends to possess the firearm for…(a) self-defence or the protection of any other person”.
There you have it, folks. We live in the 7th most homicidal nation on Earth. And the government wants to ban self-defence guns.
On average 57 people are murdered in SA every day, and our murder rate for 2017/18 increased by 6.9%. To top it all off, mismanagement and corruption have decimated the SAPS’s abilities to fight crime. From May 2012 to May 2018 the total number of SAPS reservists declined by 86%.
Reservists are a free resource of highly-motivated volunteers. Their contributions have been disgracefully squandered by the arrogance and ineptitude of SAPS management and the Police Ministry. What the police do with the resources they actually pay for is no less horrendous.
Not only are you completely on your own, with police response times more accurately measured in hours rather than minutes, but the government wants to ban the only effective means available to you to protect yourself and your loved-ones.
Ridiculous limits on S15 and S16 licence-holders
In addition to turning everyone into defenceless victims, sport shooters and hunters are also viciously targeted. You will be allowed a maximum of two handguns only. You will be allowed a maximum of 8 firearms only (if you have DSS).
The maximum ammunition limit will be 25 rounds per licence. Yes, twenty-five. DSS-holders may apply for exemption, which will be granted under exceptional circumstances.
In order to obtain a semi-auto rifle or shotgun (of which you are also only allowed to own a maximum of two each), you must first hold DSS for at least two years.
Also, all S15 and S16 licences are valid for only 5 years.
These proposed limits are of course purely arbitrary. They are not anchored in any rational argument or honest motive. The ability of sport shooters and hunters to own guns is certainly no threat to the safety of society. Quite the opposite, in fact. A healthy and vibrant sport shooting and hunting fraternity is the cornerstone of responsible and safe firearm ownership. The importance of these institutions cannot be overstated, and harming them will do infinitely more harm than good.
So where are these tyrannical ideas coming from?
Why are these things proposed?
Collectors, professional hunters, security providers, dealers, and black powder shooters are similarly attacked by the document. I haven’t had time to read it all, but I have attached it at the bottom of the article. This is nothing more than a broad-based onslaught on all firearm owners. The proposals don’t seek to improve the system or to make it workable – it is purely a naked attempt at disarming civilians.
The above extract clearly states that the reasons for the amendment are “to ensure restricted access to firearms by civilians to ensure public order.”
That, my friends, is pure tyranny. Overtures about “securing and protecting civilians” sound as sinister as they are intended. This isn’t about enhancing public safety, combating violent crime, and reducing the murder rate. This is purely about taking your guns because the government is paranoid about civilians owning them, because armed citizens are harder to control than disarmed subjects.
And they will use their jackbooted thugs in uniform to seize your guns and leave you defenceless against violent criminals. And if you don’t comply they will lock you up in a cage, along with murderers and rapists.
It is as evil as it is insane.
What are the consequences?
Stating that owning a gun for self-defence is not a valid reason (in South Africa!) is hyperbolically stupid and completely out of touch with reality. It is also tyrannical overreach in its most extreme form. It is impossible for the SAPS to protect citizens from violence. This is an indisputable fact. Yet the government and police intend to remove your ability to protect yourself. The result? Everyone will be a defenceless victim, and can be robbed, raped, and murdered with impunity.
Additionally, the arbitrary and unworkable restrictions on S15 and S16 licence-holders will do nothing but inflict irreparable harm to sport shooting and hunting. Renewing these licences every five years will also break an already crumbling CFR – it can barely cope with the day-to-day demands placed on it. Increasing these demands by effectively 100% will ensure it crashes.
It is bitterly ironic that the state, who loses 8 times more guns per capita than civilians (and whose firearms are recovered at a rate 1/15ththat of civilians), are trying to disarm us. And we are far superior custodians of our firearms than they are.
The last time civilians surrendered our guns to the police, a corrupt Colonel and his colleagues stole and then sold thousands of those guns to criminals. Who then used those guns, which were once safe in civilian possession, to murder thousands innocent people. Including children. The government then redeployed the man investigating the extent of these corrupt activities, so-doing covering it up. And now it looks like they want to do it again.
What can you do?
These proposals must be killed in their embryonic form. Gun owners need to wake up from their slumber, and realise that the wolves are again at the door. The government wants to confiscate your guns, and ensure you are a disarmed victim. The only way to stop this, is by joining a firearm rights organisation, like Gun Owners SA, and devoting some of your money, time, and effort to fight for your cause.
You should write letters to your political representatives and put pressure on them to stand up for your rights. Additionally, you should write letters to the press and fill their pages with your pro-firearm ownership stories. Dominate your social media space and talk to people about why this issue is an important concern for all South Africans.
You have a voice. It is powerful, especially when combined with those of others. Use it.
Because we have a choice – get involved and fight, or sit back and watch our rights disappear. And to me surrender has never been an option.
Annexure A. Firearm Control Amendment Bill (3)
Written by Gideon Joubert, cartoon by Jerm.
Gideon is owner and editor of Paratus
•6 years ago
This is crazy. Owners and the industry need to rally together and fight this. Everyone needs to contribute towards the fight. Political parties should also get involved if they want votes from the firearm community.
Avishkar Motilal
•6 years ago
There is an old saying, ‘to conquer a nation you must first disarm its citizens.’ We as legal gun owners and law abiding citizens have the right to life and should be able to protect our family and ourselves appropriately. I strongly hope the legal gun owners community stands together and pursues legal avenue to have the draft bill over turned.
Colette H
•6 years ago
Observe the lessons from global history … every time the state has clamped down on legally armed citizens, a bloody turn of events has followed. This is not the time to be complacent. Even those who do not own firearms need to realise the seriousness of this situation and support all efforts to have this nefarious plan overturned or disaster will overtake us as sure as day follows night.
•6 years ago
@ Colette H …we totally agree !!
Jan Pretorius
•6 years ago
Hoe dom en onnosel kan n regering nog word deur mense te ontwapen om makliker vermoor te word deur barbare. N klomp imbesiele.
•6 years ago
How dumb must the citizens be.. for it to allow the communist to go this far… And the sadness of it all is that the crippled sheeps will probably comply to the wolf’s demands… Help the wolf with his dinner…
Paul Mittermayer
•6 years ago
I cycle and have been attacked three times. If I didn’t own a gun. I’d be dead. I no longer cycle on my own because it’s not safe to cycle in this country. Let alone on your own. The cops do nothing. I haven’t had to kill anyone yet. The only reason I haven’t is because of the consequences if you kill these thugs. I’ve had a knife pulled on me and last time they were planning to smash my head in with a brick they happened to pick up. It wasn’t a planned attack. Just a couple of guys walking through the veld see a lone cyclist and they decided hot have fun. You should have seen their faces before and after I drew my weapon. They don’t give a shit. They will kill you and laugh about it. I have seen those faces before. And what they do with joy.
•6 years ago
Stuff this cANCer Regime and their Cronies If they want my weapon s they will have to take it off my cold dead body. I will never submit to a government that is riddled with criminals . They have VIP protection paid for with our Tax monies. We have a useless police and military who loose more firearms and are corrupt enough to sell handed in weapons to criminals
•6 years ago
So a basic human right, to be safe, is not allowed in South Africa anymore? It is time that this government stop the corruption. Stop harrasing innocent law abiding, tax paying citizens. Get rid of incompetent government officials. Stop the hate and educate people that we all can live together if we have good leaders.
Marcelle Joubert
•6 years ago
You have to sleep with your eyes open, or you’ll have nothing left in the morning! First land, houses, probably our investments and now our guns too! 😠 There’s no pleasure living in a country where law abiding citizens are being targeted 24/7 for the gain of a corrupt government. We need to seriously make plans to stop this intimidation!
Sussie se Vissie
•6 years ago
This is just one ingredient of our head honcho to complete his stew of ‘slow cook frogs in a pot’.
Gert Coetzer
•6 years ago
Net mense IK van onder 50– kan so n besluit neem-/ Maak oop julle oee — misdaad word reeds gepleeg met wapens geplunder na n MOORD OF ROOFTOG— Wettige wapens is nie betrokke in SA se Chaos— Kriminele en n UITERS SWAK Polisiediens is die groot oorsaak— want kyk maar MET UITPASSERING BY POLISIE KOLLEGE — is daar GEEN WITGESIG— Meeste polisie lede is in elk geval HOPLOOS OORGEWIG— veral die dames— Hulle kan nie eers n skilpad vang SKANDE
•6 years ago
And thats why, my dear friends, citizens resort to “resistance” movements and ordinance smuggling. When injustice becomes Law, rebbelion becomes duty. Take tips from WW2 resistance fighters and learn to wage a low intencity geurilla sabbotage war against a tyranical Communist Bantu-regime. You have now reached the point, where you take the nececary steps to ensure survival, or accept your demise and die. It is not only logical, it is simple.
•6 years ago
Read the writing below…This is another piece in he ANC puzzle to eradicate South Africa of whites.
More almal. n Vriend skakel my verledenag uit Brittanje. Daar was op n britse tv kanaal n onderhoud met Malema deur n britse joernalis wat vroër vanjaar opgeneem is. Daar het malema en 2 van sy generaals gesit. Malema het ondermeer gese dat die anc alles goedkeur wat eff doen en sê. Dat anc hulle ondersteun daarin deur n skrikbewind te voer onder blanke Boere sodat hulle hul grond moet opgee. Plaasaanvalle is n sagmaak proses sodat wanneer hulle die grond vat daar min weerstand van die Boere sal wees. malema het gese dat hulle hierdie jaar nog, plaasaanvalle baie gaan verskerp en plase begin beset. Hulle sal ook plaaslike bevolking gebruik om Boere bankrot te steel. Hulle wag vir die regte geleentheid om ons aan te val, plaaswerkers sal plase aanval, plakkerskampe en lokasies sal dorpe aanval. Alles sal skielik gebeur, hulle is gereed het een van sy generaals gesê. Hy se ons sal nog sit en vleisbraai dan sal ons sien hulle spring oor ons mure met pangas en vuurwapens. Op n vraag het hy gesê dat hulle genoeg wapens het om n oorlog mee te begin. Op n vraag of hulle nie bang is vir die Boere nie het hy gesê dat die Boere bang is, kyk net hoe baie bid hulle, mens doen dit net as jy vreesbevange is. Hy sê dat daar meer as 18miljoen swartes is wat ons gaan aanval, ons het nie n kans nie. Hy beweer hulle het beheer oor die SAPD en weermag.
Hi Trudie soos jy weet is ek in die Polisie se Berede Eenheid en ‘n Kaptein daar. Sal nie noem waar nie.
Reg Maandag het ons ‘n epos ontvang van die Provinsiale Kommisaris dat alle verlof vir Polisie manne En vroue vir Desember gekansselleer is vir die ANC “rally” van die 15de Desember tot die 20ste.
Vandag was ek op ‘n Eenheids bevelvoerders vergadering waar daar aan ons genoem is dat hulle moeilikheid verwag reeds daarom die kanselasie van verlowwe
Die ding begin al die 9de maar die groot een begin die 15de. Ons is getaak om maksimum mannekrag en perde vir die tydperk te ontplooi.
Jy is welkom om die inligting te deel !
Bid en laat weet jou fam en vriende in SA!
All wat ek kan Se is, –
BID. !!!!!
•6 years ago
Another big question is,what will happen to all these “confiscated” firearms?Who will oversee that they get melted or exported out of SA and where will that money go? SAPS is definitely not be compitent to deal with that either. Criminals that we locked up at work don’t even make the local police station….
Hennie le Roux
•6 years ago
I agree Gideon. The outrageous Firearm Control Act did not succeed to rid criminals from firearms. The finger keep pointing at law abiding citizens! Keep up your good work. Thank you.
Moulana Abdool
•6 years ago
I am a partially disabled person.
The members of parliament are sick to think I will merely hand in my firearm. They have supplied their cronies during the struggle with AK47’s which are now used in all the CIT ROBBERIES!!!
To date they can’t account for 100’s of 1000’s of weapons. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER MY WEAPON!!!
Last week I was attacked by an assailant at a private hospital for parking in a disabled parking bay. I am a registered to utilise the disabled parking bay.
He was a body builder and about 4 times my strength. I initially managed to fight him off with my walking stick. Seeing that he couldn’t subdue me he rushed to his car and retrieved a metal bar and tried to attack me with it.
He didn’t realise I was carrying my sidearm as it was concealed. As soon as I realised my life was in danger I exposed my firearm. That stopped him dead in his tracks.
•6 years ago
Disarming the populace is the crucial first step towards imposing a Dictatorship of Criminals upon a resistant citizenry.
When you want to force through draconian legislation depriving property owners of their right to freehold ownership and when you want to impose a sinister agenda scripted in foreign capitals upon a God fearing folk you degrade their capacity to resist the planned onslaught.
Peter Moss
•6 years ago
I can only hope none of our useless firearm organisations are allowed anywhere near any opposition, Combined they have done more harm to firearm ownership than the ANC. By preaching acceptance and compliance many for the purpose of gain as much money out of it as possible. The mantra of just comply and you will get a licence along with the toothless approach they have taken in collaboration with the police and government. Their enthusiasm only for making the FCA work, tinkering and advising on no more than attempting to rectify governments problems. Without a shred of opposition they are without doubt little better than the leadership one could have expected from GFSA.
My suggestion is for South African firearm owners to kiss their firearms goodbye because there is no organisation official who did not know the FCA was just the beginning of the end. Give eighteen years to prepare these officials instead of organising and promoting opposition have instilled acceptance of gun control. SAGA actually referring to a firearm licence as the most precious thing one could have.
What can be safely said the combined ability and knowledge of firearm organisations in fighting to win is as close to zero as to make no difference.
There you go Gideon you reap the results of thinking firearm organisations were on the right track, Now after sacrificing firearm owners throwing them under the buss without noticeable protest of being deprived of both property and compensation, preaching acceptance and lifting not so much as a finger to prepare for what anyone with a few functioning brain cells knew was coming what is there to stop the end?
Nobody fights what they accept. There is no firearm official that will fight, not one. There is no preparation, no strategy, no planning, no infrastructure and very little support mainly from elitists who are part of the problem not the solution.
Firearm ownership is South Africa is at an end.
The ANC now cornered and losing popularity simply is going to do what all dictatorships do, disarm citizens who are seen as the greatest danger to them. Unless you can play politics with the ANC and beat them say goodbye to those firearms. I promise a strongly worded letter will not do it and that was the best firearm organisation opposition suggestion in eighteen years.
Peter Moss
•6 years ago
To be successful opposition needs example, help, encouragement, knowledge, strategy, planning, guidance, training…. you cannot just tell them to write. Write about what? Why are they writing? Who to write to and what address………………. Where were you guys when all this was planned and executed years ago only to be torn down by the likes of Gunsite and SAGA? All opposition removed with platitudes like you cannot fight government and a hundred promises that they could “negotiate” a better deal. Those self same people are now going to lead opposition? Opposition left the building when collaborators took over making promises to gain popularity they have yet to keep. Collaborators do not know how to fight and have no interest in fighting. SAHunt convinced the honey pot lay in gathering membership refusing to oppose but instead invest in lawyers. People afraid to stick their necks out and represent firearm owners and fight for them. Cowards cannot lead.
Francis Khoury
•6 years ago
Crime will sore to new heights criminals have elegal guns and are definitely not going to hand them in,so this will leave law abiding citizen unprotected and gunless, and criminals whit elegal guns
nico van der hoven snr
•6 years ago
Wat is die moontlikheid om ‘n aanlyn petisie te loots waar jy kan teken om protes aan te teken en wat op FB en per epos
te versprei? Sekerlik kan op hierdie manier duisende handtekeninge verkry word wat beswaar maak en wat gewig kan dra by
die owerhede wat by Parlement ingedien kan word.
Hennie Barnard
•6 years ago
Again like all other laws this is purely focused on on law abiding citizens and legal firearm owners. This is more garbage by the tyrannical ANC to control the citizens, where zero logic was applied.
Apart from making donations to GOSA, how else can we help?
Molon labe
Chris Wright
•6 years ago
This is a way to take the focus off the wrong doing of people in power, and targeting people with passion.
•6 years ago
This is madness.
By narrowing the scope of what is now legal, they are effectively increasing what is not. With only the law abiding citizen abiding, this rubbish notion will in effect result in a dramatic increase in the number of criminals.
If the SAPS were up to scratch and South Africa had the lowest crime rate in the world, maybe I would reconsider. But as things are and looking at the current crime trends, this year’s Darwin Award goes to:
Eddie Stafford
•6 years ago
Great! This incompetent cANCer “government” cannot protect its citizens according to the constitution now he want to disarm us. I will NOT just hand in any firearm, they can buy it at market related prices. If they confiscate my firearms I will just take 2 back for every 1 taken from me by taking it from a police officer or soldier to protect myself and my family. Catch 22.
•6 years ago
The failure Of society lies with the people like the shitfaced lawyers who choose to knowingly represent the corrupt government to earn a buck. Expose these soul selling pigs so that the better part of society who generate the majority of the country’s earnings will not use their services! You stinking lawyers will sell your mothers!
•6 years ago
I shot the criminal who attached my wife, now al my firearms is taken and I am charged with attempted murder. I am a disabled person. A one legged easy target.
•6 years ago
How dumb must the citizens be.. for it to allow the communist to go this far… And the sadness of it all is that the crippled sheeps will probably comply to the wolf’s demands… Help the wolf with his dinner…
•6 years ago
Need a gun to buy ? Order today, Contact via email: hawleonard111 at gmail com, A private dealer who sell guns and delivers it to the address provided ’ getting it done. Directly to the address provided before completing the payment clean and fast business is all that matters Contact via email: hawleonard111 at gmail com
•6 years ago
very important”’ Need a gun to buy ? Order today, Contact via email: hawleonard111 at gmail com, A private dealer who sell guns and delivers it to the address provided ’ getting it done. Directly to the address provided before completing the payment clean and fast business is all that matters Contact via email: hawleonard111 at gmail com
Paul Henning
•6 years ago
This is an infringement on my rights and also a devious plan to amend laws that are entrenched in my constitional rights.
•6 years ago
God help us….🙏🏻
•6 years ago
Resistance can work but only in sufficient volume. In the past we have seen NO willingness of firearm owners to provide that volume, and I don’t expect any different now. It is sad to see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
•6 years ago
There has never been any ORGANISATION of RESISTANCE because firearm organisation officials are to frightened to lead and they have no knowledge of how or desire to set the example. In a nut shell one is going to put faith in ignorant cowards does not sound like a winning strategy. Were are the GOSA officials organising this opposition. How nice and lofty it is to say do this chaps and not provide any infrastructure, help or advice that is even vaguely useful. Again where is it GOSA its many months now and nothing has materialised. You can be sure the ANC has not shelved this draft. When it comes out again is GOSA going to act surprised?
•6 years ago
Resistance needs volume, lots of it. Firearm owners have never been willing to provide it. We shall therefore see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.
Steve D
•6 years ago
I am a dual South African/ Canadian citizen currently living in Canada. When I immigrated I was able to take my firearms with me as I am a keen hunter and sport shooter. It’s always been my dream to return to South Africa for retirement but if these laws are passed I can’t see myself returning to SA and that breaks my heart. I will not settle in a place with my family and place them in harm’s way because of a corrupt,incompetent marxist government
Roger Robeck
•5 years ago
Two days ago I went to the Police Station to enquire about my 9 mm Star and ammunition, My licence has expired in 2016 must I hand it in By Sunday end of May for destruction as I am now 77 years old and expect major riots due to lockdown>
Roger Robeck
•5 years ago
Believe amnesty for handing in Guns is Sunday 31st May 2020? My licence for my 9 mm Star and ammunition expired in 2016,I am now 77 years old and with the lockdown I expect riots etc to take place?Must I hand my gun in?