This is written in response to Mary Kleinenberg in the Witness – “Guns are not the answer”. (Please see Mary’s original letter at the bottom of the article). Dear…
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In General Discussion, Practical Advice
Crime Targeting Women – What Can We Do About It?
August 21, 2018 3 Comments
A few weeks ago I received an email from Natasha* in which she detailed nearly becoming the victim of a hijacking. It was a very harrowing experience. This was…
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The time is perhaps now right to address the issues that require such addressing, and hopefully I can persuade enough people to think sufficiently differently about their personal safety…
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It is that time of year again, and in response to the 16 Days of Activism against violence perpetrated towards women and children GOSA has launched its 2016 Girls…
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Has anyone in the peanut gallery which so impulsively disseminates this opinion more frequently than Lindsay Lohan checks into rehab actually spoken to a woman who shoots? Any woman…
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In Archive
Carrying a firearm as a woman in South Africa? – A Women's Month Message
August 25, 2015 2 Comments
In South Africa we live in an extremely violent society. You only have to open the paper, listen to the news or look at social media to see that…