I trust that most of you are by now aware of the proposed amendments to the FCA. They are essentially a rehash of the unworkable and terrible version we…
This is written in response to Mary Kleinenberg in the Witness – “Guns are not the answer”. (Please see Mary’s original letter at the bottom of the article). Dear…
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The system responsible for the tracking of all SAPS firearms is switched off. The Firearm Permit System (FPS) kept track of roughly 500 000 SAPS firearms via an electronic…
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License the Person, Register the Firearm Campaign – Dear SA
September 9, 2020 17 Comments
The License the Person, Register the Firearm public participation campaign is now live on Dear South Africa. We invite and encourage everyone to please participate in this vital effort…
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It is by now old news that parliament approved a new six-month firearm amnesty, effective from 1 August. I harbour serious and material concerns about this. The 2010 firearm…
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Gun rights in South Africa have always been a hot topic. The right to keep and bear arms is something that cuts across racial and cultural boundaries, and is…