Bheki Cele has finally outright admitted that he wants civilian firearm ownership banned.
Speaking about amendments to the Firearms Control Act at a media briefing in Linden on 14 January, Cele stated that “One thing we are trying to put there, is that individuals should not have firearms.”
He then continued, “One funny thing about the present Firearms Act is that it allows individuals in South Africa to have an unlimited number of firearms, and definitely the incoming act can’t allow that.”
To summarise – in short, our Minister of Police wants all citizens disarmed in the 9th most homicidal nation on Earth.
In short, our Minister of Police wants all citizens disarmed in the 9th most homicidal nation on Earth.
Out of the eight nations more murderous than us, one has an outright ban on civilian firearm ownership (Venezuela), four have de facto gun bans (El Salvador, Jamaica, Honduras, and Belize), and three have highly restrictive and draconian firearm laws (U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Vincent and Grenadines, and Lesotho).
Not a single one of the Top 10 Most Homicidal Countries on Earth has permissive or unrestrictive firearm legislation.
This is what we call a correlation. And one which Cele either wilfully ignores (because it doesn’t suit his agenda), or is ignorant of. The latter is a disgrace, as all the data is easily obtainable and in the public domain.
But then Bheki Cele has always been anti-gun. He nailed his colours to the mast early in 2018 already. And little, if anything, has changed since. His first year in office was riddled with failures and scandals, and he has yet to address a single key issue plaguing his ministry.
It is nothing short of astounding that the Minister of Police, under whose stewardship the SAPS faces crippling budget cuts and stands accused of such rampant corruption and criminality that the organisation can be considered all but criminally captured, is now suggesting complete civilian disarmament.
With this as background, let us remember that the National Commissioner of Police admitted to Parliament that it is “impossible” for the SAPS to fulfil its constitutional mandate.
The National Commissioner of Police admitted to Parliament that it is “impossible” for the SAPS to fulfil its constitutional mandate.
Thus, while the SAPS is falling to pieces and violent crime is spiralling ever upwards, the Minister would rather pursue a civilian gun ban than fix his department.
The fact that the SAPS has failed abysmally at providing safety and security to the citizens of the Republic appears entirely lost on Cele. Not only is his police failing at protecting citizens, he now insists that citizens shouldn’t be able to even protect themselves.
The tyrannical arrogance of this is, frankly, outrageous.
It is time for citizens to stand up and make their voices heard. If our President has even a shred of credibility left in his corpus, he will boot the disgraceful Bheki Cele from the Police Ministry with due haste.
The maxim of the South African Police Service is Batho Pele – “People First”.
Under the cancerous regime of Bheki Cele, it has become Batho Cele.
Written by Gideon Joubert
Gideon is the owner and editor of Paratus.
•5 years ago
Ek dink dit is n groot fout om maar net jou wapen in te gee met soveel polisie wat nie vertrou kan word nie, enook hoe gaan hul almal wat weer aansoek doen om hul wapens terug te kry hanteer. Dus dink ek die SAPD is nie opgewasse om dit te kan hanteer nie. Te veel teleurstellings in SAPD
•5 years ago
He wants civilians be massacred by criminals. He can’t control crime and illegal guns, but wants to control civilians. “Cele go do your job, you are a servant of tax payers or find a new job”!!
Jaco Zeeman
•5 years ago
The only control the police have over fire arms, is that they can take them from legal owners. Because they have their addresses. The are totally unable to remove illegal firearms and their owners from the streets. The socalled illegal firearms handed in by citizens, is only illegal because their licence date expired, due to a ludecrous law. NO, i repeat, NO firearm that was used by a/one criminal will be handed in by the perpetrator! Does Cele realy think the criminals will hand in the evidence of their crimes to tbe SAPS? I will hand in all my legally owned guns to Cele the day he tells me that all illegal guns have been removed from the streets.
Jacques van Heerden
•5 years ago
Why does the (honourable?) minister not lead by example? Start by disarming ALL VIP protection services officers.
Surely if there is no need or justification for civilians owning firearms, then why on earth does our police and military need firearms?
Lead by example Mr. Cele, not the example you’ve already set by lining your own pockets in a corrupt lease agreement, but an example of boldness, one that shows us, there is no need for firearms, one that disarms every VIP protection services officer.
If we don’t need firearms, then certainly you and your VIP protection services officers, do not need firearms!
Regis Lacomme
•5 years ago
Another utterly incompetent, corrupt and self righteous arrogant ANC minister, with yet another hidden agenda!
In a so called “democratic regime” he should have already been removed from office under the pressure of the caring citizens, what are we waiting for?…or like the rest of the long list of failures from the current communist administration, Eskom disaster, Land grab without compensation, incompetent water & waste management, inadequate health system, schools and universities downgraded, state capture and on going corruption at all civil servants levels and so on and so forth…..nothing will ever be done due to the divisions and lack of concern of the majority of the South African population??… This is a sad state of affairs and the results are the downgrading and permanent degrading of most of things and systems in this once beautiful and pristine country!
Regis Lacomme
•5 years ago
So only the criminals ca have guns, so that there can kill more and more,just CRAZY!!!
Jurie Bester
•5 years ago
It is total madness…..
The criminals will be armed and have nothing to fear……
Law abiding citizens will be sitting ducks, just waiting to be robbed and killed off by the criminals whom will have nothing to fear or stop them in this already mad world we live in!!!!!
There’s not a country where this was implemented successfully!!!!!
•5 years ago
First ensure all illegal firearms are collected .Then start thinking about your thoughts. Your SAPS cannot protect us we have to do it ourselves and thus need a firearm even just to feel comfortable for in case.
Chris du Plessis
•4 years ago
The president of the Genocide Watch say that we should under no circumstances disarm.
Kevin Jordan
•4 years ago
This dictatorial fool would never survive outside of Africa. The Dunning Kruger effect is so evident in him, and many others. The harder he tries to impress, the bigger fool he makes of himself.
It is so frustrating for the more intelligent, to watch and listen to these totally incompetent fools making decisions for all, according to their beliefs.
Koos Roos
•4 years ago
Incompetent and racist hypocrite Cele is not anti gun, he is anti white gun owners. The most important step to oppressing people is to disarm them. He and his cowardly comrades have still not handed in their illegal arms caches after 1994. He wants only his kind of criminals to have weapons and with his incompetent and equally racist police everybody else will be defenceless.
•4 years ago
He must start with all the illigal firearms from community especially in KZN and Cape Town
How can you disarm the people whom they ligaly have their self difence guns ? This doesn’t make any sense to me how many people that killed with responsible gun owners and how many people that has be killed with an illegal guns ? No ma’an
Kaptein Caprivi
•4 years ago
Bheki Cele is a POEPOL. He is welcome to come and collect mine, but I can guarantee that he would leave here leaking. #BoereLivesmatter